
..dexlaw. Legal & Tax Advisory

Unser Name "..dexlaw." geht zurück auf die beiden Gründer, Rechtsanwalt Thomas A. Doll (bac. oec.) und Rechtsanwalt Dr. jur. Gert Exner. Im Jahre 2004 errichteten Sie in der Münchner Innenstadt eine Rechts- und Steuerberatungskanzlei mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Litigation und Legal & Tax Advisory. Von Beginn an lag der Fokus auf der Beratung kleiner und mittelständischer Unternehmen, Ärzten, Arztpraxen und Medizinischen Versorgungszentren und leitenden Angestellten. Lesen Sie im Folgenden einige Highlights unserer Geschichte.

August 2017

Nach mehr als 9-jähriger Verfahrensdauer stellt das Amtsgericht München auf Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft das Strafverfahren gegen einen Münchner Substitutionsmediziner wegen des Verdachts 1736-fachen Verstoßes  gegen das BtMG bzw. die BtMVV einen Tag vor Beginn der auf mehrere Tage anberaumten Hauptverhandlung ein. RA Thomas A. Doll hatte das Mandat erst im Jahre 2016 übernommen, nachdem andere, renommierte Münchner Strafverteidiger das Handtuch geworfen hatten und dem Arzt empfohlen hatten, sich zur Vermeidung einer allzu hohen Strafe auf ein Geständnis einzulassen.


Der Arzt wollte aber Nichts gestehen, wo es auch nichts zu gestehen gegeben hätte. Er tat gut daran und das Ergebnis gab ihm Recht. Die Einstellung erfolgte selbstverständlich OHNE Geldauflage.

April 2016

..dexlaw. | Legal & Tax Advisory verteidigt erfolgreich einen Münchner Arzt, dem zahlreiche Verstöße gegen das Arzneimittelgesetz wegen Dopings im Sport vorgeworfen wurde. Das Resultat sichert dem 52-jährigen Arzt den Erhalt seiner Approbation.

February 2016

DExLaw outsources their Legal and Tax Advisory into the "..dexlaw. | Legal & Tax Advisory", run by the lawyer Thomas A. Doll and based in Kassel, London and Munich.


DExLaw GmbH is now focussing on the Advisory.

October 2015

DExLaw has extended its portfolio and now also supports entrepreneurs on the health care sector. DExLaw's service addresses doctors who are willing to open their own practice and existing practices who'd like to advance growth remarkably.


Thanks to the director Thomas Doll's listing, the consultancy services (Gründercoaching) are funded by the German KfW-Bankengruppe. 

September 2015


EEA | Energie Effizienz Austria, a 100% DExLaw affiliate, sold its Accurad 1700 HTS distribution license for Austria, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Serbia & Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Bulgary to ENOVO s.r.o., a Slovakian company led by former World Bank Manager and MARS' CFO Wolfgang Rigler. The deal marks the final step in EEA's restructuring process from a retail distributor to a wholesale company. To empower EEAs market position, the company has applied for several new industrial property rights.

June 2015


DExLaw has disposed their naming rights to a group of lawyers and tax consultants. The syndicate's preparations to open a law & tax boutique are running at full speed. The partnership, based in London (UK) and Berlin (GER), is going to operate branches in Hamburg, Munich and Schwerin (GER). Their focus is on high-end consultancy of and for health professionals in the fields of contract law, labour law, medical law, asset transfer, valuing of practices and MVZs, tax planning, advisory services, accounting and preparation of financial statements.

April 2015


DExLaw has already been lead investor in a promising Austrian company since 2011 that manufactures energy saving systems for i.e. steam boilers. DExLaw has now acquired all outstanding shares in order to facilitate search and preparation to win a strategic investor.




January 2015

By building up its own internal accountancy, DExLaw has succeeded in making it possible to prepare its own and their affiliates annual accounts within 16 days after the turn of the year. Retrieving accountancy back to DExLaw reduced the relevant costs around 35% and increased quality and transparency significantly.

October 2014


The enterprise now looks back on 10 years of success and growth. It had started as a law firm in Munich, Germany in 2004 and then successfully developed to an investor in innovative technologies to reduce energy consumption and avoid pollution. DExLaw is now holding shares in 5 businesses in the sectors of medical treatment, medical equipment, energy saving and hospitality.


And DExLaw is - of course - still remaining faithful with its passion for medical law, one of its directors core competences. By giving lectures for physicians on forensic and liability aspects of various medical treatments, Ass. iur. & bac.oec. Thomas A. Doll gives the pharmaceutical companies and their sales staff the opportunity to intensify contact to the physicians. Please check out our "medical law" services. 

February 2014

At the beginning of this year DExLaw launched its new target, the EEA | Energie Effizienz Austria. The company, based in Bad Ischl, Upper Austria sells energy saving devices to reduce fuel, gas and power consumption in businesses and households.

September 2013

DExLaw starts the cooperation with a Turkish inventor who has developed an easy to apply device that generally relates to the controlling of nasal exudation as an acute treatment.

October 2012

Co-founder and lawyer Dr. iur. Gert Exner passed away after a short but severe illness on 28th October 2012 at the age of 55 years. He will be greatly missed not only by his family but even by DExLaw, its team and clients. 

August 2012

DExLaw opens a branch in Essex, UK. Owners and director have decided to open a branch in the UK to be closer to Europe's biggest and most important market for venture capital. At the same time DExLaw has started placing aircrafts. 

July 2010

DExLaw extends its portfolio and now offers turnaround management and supports inventors with investments and advisory services. DExLaw's role also involves drawing up patent applications and reports, overseeing the patent granting procedure and advising the inventors and their companies on patent laws. 

October 2004

DExLaw was founded in October 2004 by the German lawyer & economist Thomas A. Doll and Dr. jur. Gert Exner. The law firms focus is on business clients. The lawyers core competences are medical law (TD), intellectual property (TD & GE), company law (TD & GE), employment law (GE & TD), tax planning (TD & GE), insolvency law (TD) and litigation (GE & TD).